Hello Friends of TorrentSpy,
This message is to inform you about recent efforts by the motion picture studios to shut down TorrentSpy. As you may know, in February 2006 the major movie studios and their Washington lobby, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), filed a lawsuit against TorrentSpy and other search engines.
We guess that hiring hackers and turning a blind eye to identity theft is not enough for the movie studios and the MPAA. Now they want to know who you are, what you search for, and what you download. In short, it is the view of the movie studios that websites should not allow anonymous use and your activity on the Internet - anywhere - is their business.
The really scarry thing is that if we lose this court battle, the movie studios will be able to go after any search engine or website and force them to collect data about YOU. It is not an exaggeration to say that losing this fight is a nail in the Internet's coffin.
We have spent the last year challenging their relentless campaign against the 1st Amendment and personal privacy laws Worldwide. We have succeeded in delaying the court order to turn on logs while we appeal it. TorrentSpy will not create logs of what you do on the site without your consent.
While we use Google Analytics for website statistics, TorrentSpy servers have never tracked your IP Address, the searches you make, or how you use the site. We are dedicated to your privacy and we are fighting for your rights!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
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I think more people should recognize the fact that day by day the corporations and the US Government are eating away at the freedoms we have left. Very soon our entire lives will be tracked by them. They try to pass it off like its just progress, telling us its for our own good, and its the only way to track the "bad guys" when really they are turning the USA into a prison for the masses. How long until every financial transaction is measured? Oops! you can't buy beer twice in one day. And those cold pills, nope, can't buy those today, you bought some last week. If we don't do some fighting back then we accept this type of reality. I for one will NOT accept it. Torrentspy is just a platform for reading your data, your email, and diving into your life. We must fight at all costs.
Youre country is turning into stalinistic, soviet like state, where everything is controlled by "some" people, and we all know who they are...but do you know ??? Or brainwashing bussines in USA is really succsesfull ???
Don`t put your head in the ground and close youre eyes, beacouse tommorow morning will be too late.
And do not listen what your CENTRAL COMITEE OF ??? PARTY is telling you !!
this whole thing is fucken bullshit and i am so sick of this world all together we cant do anythign now adays..the government can suck a big set of hairy nuts!
Where is the land of the free again?
I agree with Robert and Ernesto. Think about it. Everytime we in america sit back and let government rule our lives we loose everything. Our country has turned into a weak, say nothing, and do nothing people. Yet if congress heard us scream, and we said we won't vote for you next time, they will do what ever we want. So people, you need to speak up and be active!!! Join in groups and let your government know WHAT YOU WANT! All it takes is a group of people. Like us. We are slowly turning into a communistic regime. Even with the recent Patriot Act. Your every walk, and move on this globe is being monitored. And believe me your Internet has been already monitored. Think you can spoof them with IP changes, and MAC address changes. Forget it. They know. You need to speak up America once and for all and JUST SAY NO to U.S. government sneaking into your lives. It is our constitutional freedom for what we do. And stand up for it. I am!
That's pathetic.
Those fucking assholes!
Fuck them, fuck their families, relatives and everyone they know and ESPECIALLY their sweet teen pussy daughters!
And why don't you man buy webhosting from macedonia so you can be abble to do everything you want without anyone being abble to get to your personal information!
As far as me i'll give them my name and every personal information telling them that i willingly download, spread and supply these movies and they can come and suck my dick!
Stupid presidental gay bastards!
fuck those mpaa ppl. torrent spy rules.
When the will of the people interferes with a corporations ability to make money for itself, the government will always side with the corporations. Who do you think government officials are going to help, those jerks who constantly criticize them, or the guys who help pay their mortgage?
If TorrentSpy is required to start keeping logs just to give evidence to the MPAA, I think it would be funny if everyone started searching for things like "Where does the chairman of the MPAA live" and "Do MPAA executives have any small children". They want to figure out what TorrentSpy users are thinking? What about what pissed off TorrentSpy users? Be careful what you wish for.
I just about love you more then I do torrentspy.
Fight like hell!
This sounds a lot like the past hopefully we can join together as a nation to beat this and keep our constitution out of the hands that would rewrite it
thank you torrentspy
keep fighting the good fight
we don't need to sink to the level of them to win this Frank Zappa proved this when the PMRC tried to shut them down sinking to thier level only makes them want this more
We will win this battle one way or another. I know there's plenty of smart young people who will create another way for us to share what is already ours. Our founding father's of this great country would roll over in their graves if they knew what the fuck the current government does to us now. They make laws to keep people who want change from being able to vote. So I like to get high, does that make me unaware of todays problems? I really liked Torrentspy. Im not out to make money selling illegal movies or music. I will not buy a single DVD or CD ever again. So they lose in the long run anyway. Fuck the fucking fuckers.
Exactly! As if these Assholes haven't made enough money off of us!
Well to hell with them all! Now the idea of paying for breathable air is not so far is it? Pretty soon we'll be paying for the right to live, breathe, and exist......Oh, we already are. LOL Daym, they got us.
there should be ways for us to fight this and win. Torrentspy, start petitions and put the on ur site, or start a site that is against this. thousands of people will join, and we will win. they are taking the freedom for us. its not enough that there is a cop at every corner, now they are gonna track us on the internet. its unfair and we have to fight against this. only if we unite we will succeed, other wise the government will think that we dont care.
You are still lucky because you can enjoy your own house, own car and secure financial status for the family. Yet you think negatively despite success in you history.
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